Then I pretended like I was asleep in hopes they would choose something else to take a picture of.
Then I tried to stretch my neck as long as it would go to get rid of it...
Last night we had the missionaries over for dinner again, which means we had dessert. I let Brynlee share my brownies and ice cream (her first time for both, I believe) and she loved it so much!! She would smack her lips so loud until I gave her another bite. She even started crying when it was gone. I knew just how she felt. :)
Tyler loves to sit at the piano and pound away singing, usually it's "I Am A Child of God" (he knows every word, just not every note haha). Lately he has to bring his plastic ice-cream cone (from playing kitchen) and he pretends it's a pipe. He pretends to smoke it, and taps it on the hymn book with one hand like he's figuring out the notes, and playing with the other. He calls it "playing 101 dalmations". I just about died laughing when I realized what he was talking about. I remembered that part in the movie where Roger's playing the piano and writing music.
We also enjoyed stake conference this weekend. There were some good talks, and some interesting ones. But let's be honest, the most memorable part was in the opening prayer when the man prayed for, "...our prophet, Charles Monson."
How embarrassing for him! We sure had a good laugh over it.