Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A Little About Madison

Our sweet (and sour) 2 1/2 year old. She is a great friend to all of her siblings. Kelsey loves to hug her :)

 Below: She was so nervous for Ty to climb that thing. She stood like that under him as though she were ready to catch him if he fell. She kept saying "Don't fall Tyler! I don't want you to slip! I love you Tyler!"

Always a good mommy. She just HAS to bring her "babies" on walks with us. So I push Kelsey and she pushes her babies.

-The other day I made this for dessert. The counter had flour all over it from making the pie crust. Madison comes in and says "Look at that big, fat mess you made, Mom. That is your big, fat mess!"

-I was putting dinner on the table and she was sitting at the table waiting to eat when she blurts out, "I'm very disappointed in you Mom."

-Ty and Bryn both have a little shoe box in the garage for little things they find outside and want to keep. Always wanting to be like them, while we were at the lake yesterday, she reached down and grabbed a handful of rocks and says, "I'm going to keep these for my diwection!" (She meant collection)

She is SUCH a big tease, which you wouldn't expect coming from such a little girl. Kenny says, "If you want to know what I was like as a child--that was it." Meaning, a relentless tease (he still is) and laughs when you try to discipline because they think it's just a big joke. Very frustrating. :) She also looks a lot like her daddy, which I love. Here he is at roughly the same age.

She is very smart, but of course all my kids are ;). But I do think she is very good at communicating and speaking for her age (unless I'm just remembering my other two wrong).
She is a very good eater and will pretty much eat whatever we give her.
She LOVES books and has lots of them memorized.
She has a sweet and simple understanding of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and she often refers to them in regards to attitudes and actions. For example, "Heavenly Father doesn't want us to be sad!" one of her favorite scripture stories is about the birth of our Savior. She loves Mary, and the animals too :).
She loves to go to nursery and see "her friends"
She often describes things as "pinkatastic!" even if they're not pink.
We love our Madi Cakes!

1 comment:

Kerri Andersen said...

what a sweet, sweet, hilarious, beautiful girl! it makes me so excited for jane to get bigger and get a little personality! :)