Thursday, November 13, 2014

It's All About Perspective

Yesterday we were trying to come up with topics for the presentations the kids have to give at CC (Classical Conversations). I had come up with several things and they were rejecting them all. Then I said, "Madi, why don't you talk about what you want to be when you grow up?" Finally she agreed to it! So I asked her, "Well what do you want to be when you grow up?"
"A mom."
"Okay, why do you want to be a mom?
"Because moms get to have treats WHENEVER THEY WANT. And they get to have kids and rule them and make them do WHATEVER THEY WANT. And they can say how much dessert you get. (I was rolling with laughter at this point so she just kept going...) and you get to get a babysitter and go WHEREVER YOU WANT". And you get to stay up and late and go to bed WHENEVER YOU WANT".... etc. etc.

When I relayed this conversation to Kenny that evening he laughs and says, "Wow hun! Seems like you've got a pretty great gig here!"

I guess it's all about perspective. :)


Cam said...

Hilarious! I vote you let her think that for a few more years :)

Stacey said...

That is so funny!! I remember when I was little I was so excited about being a mom because then all the mail would be for me. Haha now I dread getting the mail because it's all bills! So funny the things kids think are great :)

Kimberly said...

Lol oh man that is hilarious!! I can just hear her saying all that and I'm dying!