Sunday, February 28, 2010
So the winter has forced me to get a little more creative with our activities, which is never a bad thing. Here's some of the things Tyler has really enjoyed.
Alphabet and Number fishing. I bought the numbers/letters at an education store for pretty cheap. They're not very sturdy so Bryn can't play with them, but I just stuck a paper clip on each one, we made a little fishing rod with magnets and he loves it. Helped him learn too.
A hopscotch game made with masking tape. He's got all his letters down, but still struggles identifying his numbers so this was to help with that.
You can never go wrong making music. Bryn caught the hang of it pretty quickly.
I pull his mattress off his bed and put it in the hallway. They love running up and down the hallway and jumping on it. When we get really crazy we get Bryn's mattress out too.
Another alphabet game. I started making this with the idea of a bingo game in my mind. But then I had Kenny remind me how you actually play bingo, and it wasn't working with what I wanted. So we improvised. Now it's just like a matching game, where he puts the blue squares on the poster board. He's holding up his favorite letter (I love this egocentric stage).
Painting has become even more fun since Kenny brought home this huge papers from his work. Now I don't have to tape a lot of normal sized ones together. Things have been less stressful for me since I finally wised up and made this old shirt of Kenny's his official "painting shirt". What little kid doesn't love to get really messy painting?
Cute!! i need age appropriate ideas for stella- i am SO not creative lately!
anyway- in answer to your q- i use iMovie on my mac and it's just SO easy to use that it's not like i have any real skill or knowledge about it all hahahaha, i did have to google how to speed up my movie in that program so maybe google that for your specific program and i'm sure there's a way to do it! :)
I remember the days of coming up with ideas to stay happy in the long winters:) One thing that we did that was a lifesaver was I bought a few bags of beans and then we dumped them out onto a blanket and it became our indoor sandbox. We got out the spoons for shovels and the play dishes and had hours of entertainment! It was even fun for me! I still keep a can of beans handy in case we need a quick activity.
You are so creative! Your kids must love you to death :).
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