I started doing preschool with Tyler this week. Like real, structured, every-day, legit preschool. I bought a program through this company and we're giving it a shot this year. It only takes about an hour a day since it's only him, and I'm learning to find ways to challenge him more. He already knows a lot of the stuff I'm supposed to be "teaching" him. But it's still a great thing and he is loving it. We've added a few things like memorizing articles of faith or scriptures, and learning primary songs along with it. Brynlee is in and out while we do it, but it's mostly a great one-on-one teaching time with him.
Kenny worked late every day this week except Wednesday, because he went to YM that night, but at least he came home for dinner before he left so that was a nice surprise. I really can't remember what happened the first half of the week. (Is that a bad sign?) But Thursday Brynlee was climbing up to the kitchen table like she always does (she rarely lets us put her in her highchair anymore) but somehow managed to fall off and pull the kitchen chair on top of her too. It landed on her foot and really hurt her. She would barely even put pressure to stand on it for a while, but it wasn't swelling up or anything so I thought I'd wait the day and see. The next morning she was barely walking on it still, and resorted to crawling a lot. She would get off the couch, forgetting about her foot/ankle and then crumble to the ground once it hit because of the pain. I felt so bad for her. We took her in and got x-rays on it on Friday. Luckily there was no fracture, and it's slowly getting better. Kenny still calls her "hobbler", but I imagine it will heal just fine. I wish I could say it will teach her a lesson to stop climbing everything, but I know her better than that! :)
Friday we went out to eat together at Imo's Pizza. We have wanted to go there since we moved here and finally did. It was really good!! The crust was super thin so I was pretty skeptical because I like my pizza crust. But it was super yummy! Kenny and I downed a medium pizza all by ourselves which is both impressive and embarrassing at the same time--but did I mention how thin the crust was?
Saturday was super-productive, which are my favorite kind of Saturdays. I did a lot of cleaning inside while Kenny went on a 50 mile bike ride. He should have saved his energy for when he got home because I had a hefty honey-do list for him :). I went on a "throw it away or give it to goodwill" streak and it feels good to go through stuff. Mostly it was in the garage, which desperately needed to be re-organized. Now all my bins are nicely labeled and stacked and it makes me happy every time I go out there. I know I'm weird, and borderline OCD, but you should see my garage!
In the late afternoon we drove out to Fairview Heights to do some shopping. I needed some fabric for some projects I want to do, and we did some birthday shopping for Kenny. It still bothers me how far we have to go to get to any decent stores. But what can ya do.
I am so happy that fall is around the corner. They've started harvesting the corn and the fields will soon all be flat again (have I ever mentioned that we live in what has to be in the top 3 corn producing states? I don't know the statistics, but there's a lot of dang corn and soy beans around here). The geese have come back to the lake, and we are back to doing our Sunday walks as a family. I just love how we get 4 seasons here: a hot summer, a cool fall, a cold winter, and a warm spring. It makes you appreciate each one. Fall is my favorite though, so I'm a happy girl.
I'm excited for fall too! Yes you are a very organized person- you can come help me (although I just might be hopeless) Hey I noticed that you have less than 100 days left! Very exciting :) Thats gotta be hard with Kenny gone all the day- you are a trooper. Jordan loves to hear about his old stomping grounds (Fairview Heights brought back many memories!)
wow glad Brynlee is ok. That would have scared me. :)
You are too cute. I love fall too, it is the best! I can't wait to decorate!!
That is so fun that you guys have a lake so close. That looks fun. So is Illnois pretty small or do you guys just live far out? I just wondered bec you said you had to drive far to get to stores. It has to be better than Rexburg though right with one store (Wal-Mart)?? haha!
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