Sunday, March 3, 2013

Kelsey's Birthday! 1 Year Old!!

My baby turned a year old this past week! I can't believe it's already been a year since she joined our family, that one crazy night. She is such a blessing and just so much fun to have around. She's a very easy going baby for the most part and loves to cuddle and snuggle, but then roams around the house very independently, too. A few things about her birthday led to her having a not-so-awesome birthday. But the good news is that she didn't (and doesn't) care one bit :). The other kids were a bit disappointed at the lack of decorations and the absence of gifts, but oh well. Since her birthday is on leap year, we decided to celebrate it on March 1st. Not for any particular reason, but we figured that we could push her into march since we have 3 others to celebrate in Feb. We ended up doing absolutely nothing that was for her, unfortunately. Brynlee had her first day of ballet class that morning, that afternoon I babysat 3 other girls. That night she got to come out to eat with just mom and dad while the other 3 kids went to a birthday party for a boy in our ward. We doubled with the Reeds and tried to get pizza from the Bear's Tooth, but the wait ended up being horribly long and finally they brought our food out after 8:30 p.m., (we were already half an hour late picking our other kids up) so we just told them to box it up and ate it in the car on the way back. Lame date, but fun to get to know the Reeds better. So we got home after 9 and had to hurry and put the kids to bed. So we pushed the whole cake and ice cream part of the evening to the next day, Saturday. Which also ended up being a crazy, busy day, but I'll blog about that later. For now, here's a few pictures of our sweet Kelsey Colleen. We can't imagine our family without her and her sweet, playful spirit. She makes us all laugh so much every day with her cuteness, and I just love watching the older kids interact with her. Kelsey you are so loved!!

Cheeser!! Please ignore the cake. We were in quite a hurry :)

Reading her favorite book, "The Alphabet Book". The best is when she sits in her teeny little chair and reads it like a big kid. She carries it around everywhere, chews on it, flips through it pointing at things and jibber-jabbering about what she sees. It's completely adorable.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)