Sunday, October 13, 2013

Favorites From Our Week

Soccer season is back for Ty! He's thrilled about it. We tried to sign Brynlee up too, but I was not quick enough and there were no more spots left, so she's on a waiting list. Bummer. It would have been at the same time, and same place which is always convenient. Anyway so this is where we spend Tues. and Thurs. evenings. Entertaining these 3 for an hour, and keeping Kelsey off the field isn't exactly my idea of a good time, but it's okay.  

This was one of my instagram photos. Ty's so sweet to read to his sisters when I'm busy. This was right when she woke up and wanted a book. She loves her books.

 Whenever it's not raining, we go to the park down the street and go for a walk on the nice trails there, too. We love the beautiful colors of the leaves. We've had some pretty big wind storms that blew them all off the trees though :)

On Wednesday we decided to forget about all that we had to do for a few hours and headed out for some sunshine. We went to Potter's Marsh first. I wanted to stop there all summer, and for some reason we never got to it, even though it's just right off the freeway and not too far away. So there's not very many birds there anymore to see (it's a really big bird-viewing area). Nonetheless they loved running up and down the huge boardwalk.

Ty and Bryn would run way ahead and these two tried their darndest to keep up. Madi hollered out, "Wait up guys! This is the only fast I can go! I'm just a widdle girl!"

We then continued up along my favorite drive in the whole world. Seriously. No matter the season, this stretch of road from Anchorage down to Girdwood is my most favorite. We stopped at Beluga Point (again, we love it there) and the kids just love climbing on all the rocks, throwing stuff in the water and feeling like they're on top of the world :)

Friday night Kenny and I got to go to the temple together! We switched off babysitting with the Sponsellers so we could each have a temple date. We enjoyed having David and Alina over the next morning. Alina is only about a month old and it sure makes me baby hungry having that sweet angel around. Kenny commented on how I was in heaven snuggling that sweet babe.

Also on Saturday the fence guys finished fencing in our backyard! It's very nice to have that done. Also, Kenny worked really hard building 2 steps on our back deck. Before it was like a 2.5 - 3 ft. drop, now you can walk down steps :). It's much safer for everyone, and it looks nice too. What a handy man!

This next picture is from our Sunday evening walk today. I sure run out of thing to do to keep these kids busy on Sunday! But it's been a great week!

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