Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Baby Love

Oh there's nothing sweeter than a newborn. We are all so completely enamored with little Briggs. Here's some pictures from the first couple weeks of his little life, starting with the day he was born.

His poor little eyes! Above you can see the popped blood vessels in both eyes. This was when he was a few days old, it's getting better now. But it made me so sad to look in his eyes!! Below you can see the bruising on both eyes too. Poor little buddy. None of my other kids had that so it freaked me out at first. But it's healing.

I really need to get a better picture with my little buddy

FIVE kids! I can hardly believe it. Feeling so grateful, and overwhelmed :).


Cam said...

Oh my goodness. I'm dying. He is SO sweet! And handsome! I see so much of Tyler in these pics. I hope you're doin' okay and recovering well!

Ben, Charlotte, Troy, and Liam said...

I LOVE HIM. UH. Why don't you live closer. What a sweet boy! I pray for you to get good sleep (all considering) and that the kids are getting along! They are such a cute bunch!

Charity said...

You are wonderful. 5 is a handful but you are amazing and can do it. Those are some sweet kids.

Kimberly said...

He is so sweet! It's hard to believe that couch full of kids is all yours! You're doing a great job Linds.

Alyse and Carlos said...

He's so beautiful! Your kids are getting so big, so fast! Congratulations! What a gorgeous family!!!