Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wrapping Up March

I know it's been a while since I posted. Not on purpose, but for some reason I couldn't upload images from our pictures folders. Google Chrome lets me though, so here I am again. Anyway, here's the last little bit of march...

It's spring soccer season again for Tyler and he couldn't be happier. He really, truly loves this sport and I'm happy to let him play. He runs his little heart out for an hour straight and has such a good time. In the picture he's back by the goal, an action shot of his awesome defense.

Although if Tyler didn't absolutely love it as much as he does, I don't think I would do it. It is twice a week, (half an hour away!! and rushing dinner time!) and I have to chase around three crazy, little girls. We try to disrupt as little as possible, but you know. Yes, Madison's pants are on backwards in the picture below. I have to keep Kelsey off the soccer fields, and off the volleyball and/or roller derby courts behind us, keep her from drinking other people's water bottles that are laying around, make her not go through the lost and found or the trash cans, take Bryn and Madi to the bathroom heaven knows how many times, keep an eye on them and pray they don't kill themselves as they climb around the bleachers and extra soccer nets, with any misstep being a potential injury. It is not my favorite time of the week, but for some reason we keep going back. I must love Ty a lot :). Some moms sit there and read a book while their child plays soccer. I wonder what that would be like.

 Kelsey, 13 months now,  keep us all entertained. She is a very quick mover. She makes a dash for it if she sees the bathroom door open, or the dishwasher open. I am keeping her out and off of things, and yet she still manages to get regular bruises and goose eggs. All the kids know that if they leave the bathroom door open, they're busted. She's the cutest little one year old though. If ever I sit, whether at the table, on the couch, or on the floor, she stops whatever she's doing and comes over to sit on my lap. It's so sweet. And she usually brings a book for me to read to her. She'll turn around a couple steps away from me and back up into my lap haha. She also has some quirky things where she likes to pinch the back of my arm. It drives me absolutely crazy. Like when I'm holding her on my side, if I have a short-sleeved shirt on so that she can feel my skin, she sits there and pinches me! It hurts and it's hard to carry on conversations when she does it. She also likes to slap my chest, just below my neck with a flat palm. Repeatedly. Not sure why. But she's always good at giving hugs and snuggles. Each one of her siblings want a hug from her every time she wakes up (can you tell she's a loved little baby?!)

Brynlee is still enjoying ballet. I'm trying to teach her to not be silly just because the other girls are being silly. That she can still listen to the teacher and follow directions. A lot of times she's just in her own little world and it's frustrating to watch from the outside window and not be able to whip her into shape. It's good experience for her. This picture was taken the other Saturday when she had pictures taken with the rest of the class at the studio and they requested that they wear make-up. She was of course, thrilled about it. She gave her first talk in primary the Sunday before Easter. She also went up and sang with all the kids on Easter Sunday, even though she was a bit shy and scared at first. I was proud of her for being brave and going, even though she wanted me to come up with her.

 So a while back I started saying how spring was here and it was warming up, etc. That was a big joke. The day after I wrote that, the temperatures dropped again and it wouldn't stop snowing. We got another couple feet and it was seriously depressing. I sometimes forget and accept it as normal, until I get on facebook or something and see everyone's pictures of beautiful warm weather. I remember that nobody else does Easter egg hunts in giant snow piles. But oh well.

Kenny shoveling the driveway yet again, with 3 little helpers. Okay so Bryn's just playing, but the other two were trying to help!

 These two built a giant snowman, and put a hat on him.

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