Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Some Old Pics

These are some pictures from last month off my phone that I found. We were still in the vacation rental.
 Madi slipped a lot on the ice and it always reminded me of The Christmas Story... "I've fallen and I can't get up!!" she really couldn't get up haha
 climbing up the snow in our front yard, then they would slide back down and do it over and over again.
 bryn is always eating snow. she would just stick her face in it and get a mouthful. her poor little face would turn red and be freezing but she didn't seem to mind.
 madison was staying up late with me and kenny one night and insisted on holding the computer. she sees the adults with it and always wants to be a big girl.
 The highlight of every day is when daddy comes home from work. This was never more true than when we were in this little house and they were SO ready to wrestle and rough house daddy when he came home. I was a few days away from having Kelsey when this was taken. He had all 3 of them like this and I said, "where are you going to put the 4th?"

The first meal at our new house... Taco Bell on the floor. This was a day or two before our stuff came.

1 comment:

Cam said...

I'm sure Kenny will be able to find a way to hold Kelsey at the same time... he's the best dad!! Miss you and your kids so much!