Monday, February 2, 2015

Courageous Boy

Today Tyler had an appointment. He has had some penile adhesion from his circumcision ever since he was an infant. But every time I asked a doctor about it every single year at his well-check ups, they all just briefly glanced and said "Oh he'll grow out of it, that's totally normal." But it wasn't normal, and Kenny told me we needed to get him in. Anyway, I don't want to delve too much into the details. But it was a painful thing for him. He told me he's never felt so much pain in his whole life. He was so brave though, and I held his hand so he could squeeze it hard. After the doctor left the room he said, "I know this might be weird but I just kept thinking about Joseph Smith and how he was about my age when he had something much worse happen to him. So I knew that if he could do it, then so could I." My heart swelled. I bent over and kissed him on the head. I was so happy that he was able to draw upon stories of courage from such incredible examples during that time. That's WHY we tell stories like that to our kids. That's why we study the lives of great men and women who have gone before us. So we can learn from their lives, and emulate them. I hope he always thinks to look to his great heroes and that he can draw strength from them. I am so proud of the young man Tyler is, and I just love being his mother. He teaches me so much.

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