Sunday, May 27, 2012

Grandpa and Grandma A Visit

On Friday, May 18th,  I went and picked up my parents from the airport at 11:45 p.m. We have been looking forwad to their visit for weeks and I was so glad they were finally here!! The kids were thrilled to wake up and see them! Madison especially took to her Grandpa and wanted to be held all weekend long.

Saturday: We went on a walk that morning to our "special place" just to show them where we play.

They brought Tyler a slingshot which is the coolest gift you could give to a 5 year old boy.

After lunch we got in the car and drove to Alyeska Ski Resort, stopping to catch pictures along the way.

Those white spots are mountain goats. Cool huh.

Kenny just had to scale down these treacherous rocks to touch the water.

We rode a tram up...really high. It was snowing, and a whole lot colder, on top of the mountain.

Gorgeous view, but it scared the heck out of my mom. She feels anxiety going on freeway overpasses so you can imagine how hard this was for her.

We ate an early dinner at the Seven Glaciers Restaurant. Unfortunately for us, it was a super cloudy day so we couldn't see all seven glaciers, but a really cool place to eat nonetheless.
No meal would be complete without my kids spilling at least twice. We were laughing pretty hard when Kenny brought back this whole thing of napkins.

 We had a great time together and love seeing more of this beautiful state, Alaska.

1 comment:

Cam said...

Um... that's not just a slingshot- it's a wrist ROCKET! :) Ty is so cute. I miss all your kiddos.

Looks like such a fun time! wish we all could have been together.