Thursday, May 30, 2013

Kelsey 15 Months

Our little Kelsey Boo turned 15 months yesterday (the 29th). A little about her at this cute stage: She is a ham! She loves to play games and she knows when she's making other people laugh and will play it up. But only for her family--she's still extremely wary (actually petrified) of other people. I'm praying she gets over that within the next 3 months in time for nursery, because church is a joke with her.
-She is a very picky eater. It's extremely frustrating for me, as my other 3 kids would eat anything at this stage, and she still eats baby food for most meals (even if it's just me blending up food), and even that is a struggle. After a few bites she is done with anything, or she just flat out refuses to try it. If I force it into her mouth, she immediately spits it back out. So she wastes a lot of food and really tries my patience, but we'll get it. Along with that, though, she's getting better at using utensils. 
-She is a very fast mover, and runs away when she knows you want her to come to you (or if she's doing something she shouldn't) and she climbs everything too! She falls a lot and gets hurt, but she doesn't seem to be deterred. Our table (which is taller than the average kitchen table) and the piano are her two favorite spots.
-She doesn't say very many words, but she squaks, screams, hits, and finds noisy ways to get her way. She's definitely the 4th child and knows how to stand up for herself :).
-Her very favorite things are books and dogs. She's abnormally obsessed with dogs, especially for never having one in our home. It's really cute, but sometimes awkward. When we're outside playing and she sees a dog being walked, she freaks out and wants to pet the dog, and sometimes the owners let her, but she never wants to leave so it gets weird. They don't want her to cry, but they can't stay there forever haha. There's a lady in our ward that sometimes brings her service dog and she loves to pet him in the hallway when we're out of class trying to keep her happy.
-She's in that independent stage and we try to let give her opportunities to be in control and feel like she's calling the shots.
-She digs in the trash cans, empties cupboards, and is just always exploring and trying to figure things out.
-She can be feisty, but when she's not tired or hungry she's very sweet with her siblings. Her level of understanding always surprises me.
-I'm still her favorite person in the world.
-She is a cheese ball and we love her so much!
When Madison was 15 months old, Kelsey was 5 days old so I'm really glad to not be doing that twice in a row :). I can't believe Madison was still so little when she came along. But they're great buddies and I'm so grateful we had them all when we did.


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