Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I love that I still get some one-on-one time with each of my kids at different times of the day. During Bryn's morning nap the other day, we got to play in the rain (because it pretty much never stops raining here). Ty asked for his boots and umbrella, so without even changing out of his pajamas first, he ventured outside! Afterwards we made some big butterflies. We taped them to the ceiling fan so we could turn it on low and watch them fly! Needless to say, Ty loved it and did his chicken dance repeatedly for long periods of time haha.

At night, after Ty goes to bed, Kenny and I get to hang out with the cutest girl ever. I LOVE her smiles.


Dan the Man said...

She is looking so cute, Linds! I love her rolls... :)

Are you guys planning a trip to Chicago any time this summer? We'd love to see you! We may just have to plan a trip down to St. Louis to see you guys.

Caitlin said...

ty is so cute! what a fun age to get to do projects with him and he actually gets excited!

and brynlee...she's ADORABLE!

Charisa and Trent said...

I know exactly what you mean!! Ethan's all about reading books lately so we've been doing that a lot. And Kiari... believe it or not... is army crawling already so I spend a lot of time on the floor with her.
That's so sad about your son burning his hand. I finished ironing one day and had unplugged the iron but had neglected to put it up on the table. Ethan it by the handle but found it to be too heavy and so put his hand on the front. Melaleuca oil totally took care of it. It's THE most amazing thing for burns. Moments after I put it on his hand he stopped crying and went back to playing.
Sure miss seeing you guys!!

Elise said...

By the way, that was Elise's comment. Not Dan's. How weird.