Wednesday, March 24, 2010

On days like yesterday...

We don't get inside much, and I take way too many pictures of my cute kids.

We packed a lunch and had a little picnic. They're both scarfing down PB&H sandwiches.

Followed by some fun on the playground! We don't come home until Brynlee poops a good one in her diaper, and I realize I have no wipes!

So we chill on the driveway for a while, until Ty gets bored and decides we should go to the beach. So out comes the stroller, and we walk the half mile down to our favorite spot.

This is where some of us have a little too much fun and get dirty.

REALLY dirty. (So dirty that mom has to clean her tub after Brynlee gets rinsed off.)

Then we come home and crash. All 3 of us.
After dinner, dad's still not home (cuz it's tuesday) so we go for another walk to the lake.

It's nice to just listen to the birds and watch the sunset. I feel so much gratitude in my heart.

Tyler talks my ear off, and teaches Bryn how to throw rocks in the water. She loves to copy her big brother.

We come home, have baths, say hello to dad, scriptures, prayers, bed.
On days like yesterday, I'm so grateful for my life.


Cam said...

That sounds perfect Linds! I want to come see you guys and have a day like that soon. :) Love you.

Elise said...

Your pictures are looking so great! Go you!

Shelley said...

I love the pictures!!! Brynlee's eyes are beautiful!! That looks like so much fun!

Carly said...

great pics linds! so cute, your kids are adorable.

Wii are the Nelsons said...

Beautiful pictures. How fun