Sunday, June 16, 2013

Funny Kids

My kids say the funniest things (I'm sure all kids do, I'm just around mine all the time) and unless I write them down I will definitely forget! So here's a few recent comments that made us laugh...

Bryn: My feet are getting so old!
Me: Oh yeah, why is that?
B: Because I'm growing up to be a mom and a grandma!
Ty: Bryn, you are not even close to being a mom or a grandma, you're only 4 years old!
B: Oh. Well, my feet are still getting old.

Madi: (upset about something) I just need apple juice to make me feel better!

Bryn: What's wrong with my heart? I just can't stop giving hugs!

The kids were pretty rotten during church today (Kenny had to speak so it didn't help that I was doing it alone). Kenny was talking to them about it tonight and asked them what they think the consequence should be. Tyler thought about it and then said, "No birthday cakes on our birthdays next year."

1 comment:

Ben, Charlotte, Troy, and Liam said...

LOL!! That is priceless. Especially the birthday cakes ;)