Today has been a big day, but not really for me. My
newest nephew was born!
Samuel Dean Baker, 6 lbs. 10 oz. my poor sister Kim was wanting so badly to have an all-natural birth and after being in labor all night and pushing for over 4 hours, he just wouldn't come and they ended up doing a c-section. But they're both doing okay now and we're so grateful for that.
Today was also the day of the would-be half-marathon that Kenny and I were training for, up until I got pregnant. Sort of sad, but that's okay. We plan on doing our first one together after this baby's born. I'm happy for all of my friends in the ward that went to Nashville for it; some ran the full marathon, and others the half. I am sure they all did well even with the threat of severe thunderstorms and tornadoes there this weekend, that would have called the whole thing off! I hope it all went okay.
It is pouring rain and I'm so happy about that. It's been rainy off and on the last few days, and will be this next week too. This morning we ran a bunch of errands, went to the library, got the tires rotated and oil changed. We came home and all had a big family nap!! It was lovely. Kenny was knocked out because he's on Benadryl for his POISON IVY that he got. It's been a rough week for Kenny, and the itching rash all over his neck, arms, hands, and ears is not helping anything! Poor guy. Hopefully it will start to heal as this is day 7 of it, which is supposedly the worst? We've had fun just playing, cleaning, and spending time together.
Friday we stayed inside almost the whole day because of the rain. But it was nice. I made chicken noodle soup and homemade rolls. Not the kind where you pour a can of soup in a pan and heat it up. I mean like the messy kind. Take a whole chicken, cut it up, make the real broth, takes hours to make, etc. It was yummy, and will be again tomorrow when we can hopefully finish it off. I also made the best rolls I have ever made in my life, and my family agrees. I was going to tell a long, funny story about all I went through to get one egg to make the dang things. But I don't feel like it anymore haha. I will sum it up by saying that I wish we lived in a world (or maybe just a neighborhood) where there's parents that actually stay home during the day with their children. Not just for their family's sake, but in case I need to borrow an egg haha. But
here's the link to the recipe I used. They are huge and delicious, and my husband and kids can't stop eating them with every meal. I had piano lessons that went well. It's been 4 months now since I've been taking lessons and I feel like I've improved a ton, and that makes me so happy.
Thursday a.m. Tyler had The Little Gym, and had so much fun just like always. Straight from there we went to this new, and very yummy, restaurant called the Peel. It's a pizza place. A bunch of gals from the ward got together for lunch to celebrate my friend, Terra Reed's birthday!! It was fun, but it reminded me of why I don't go out to lunch very often haha. That's nap time and Brynlee was a monster. Oh well. I want to go back with Kenny so he can try it.
Wednesday. we had a presidency meeting at my house.
Tuesday I did some crafting, and spruced up my craft corner. Which is a corner, not a room. It's actually the corner of our dining room, which is like the ultimate form of tackiness. But it works for us for now.
Monday was FHE, and earlier that day I made some yummy strawberry jam. First batches of the year and I'm glad to have it back in my life. Wishing of the day when we have a second freezer, or a deep freezer, so I can make a lot more at once, and only once. Anyway it's been a good week. I'm looking forward to a month from now when I hopefully am back to my old self. I hate feeling so lousy every day. I was thinking about it, how our bodies and spirits are so intimately connected. When we are healthy and exercising and eating right, we feel great! We have an overall sense of well-being, which is like saying our spirits are happy. My challenge is to stay UP emotionally and spiritually even when I feel so low, physically. I don't think I would do well with a chronic illness. I at least know there is an end to this. Not complaining, just saying. I'll stop rambling now, this post is getting long, and there's not even any pictures.