Friday, July 9, 2010

Thanks to Tamaron

Once upon a time, when I was a freshman at BYU-Idaho, I had a roommate named Tamaron Tutt. She was super cute, I was always jealous of her hair, and she was a fabulous artist.

(I would put up a picture of her on here, but I can't figure out how to scan in pictures without making them itty bitty. I am somewhat retarded when it comes to computers...)

Anyway. Tamaron introduced me to some different foods for which I will be forever grateful. The first one is these:

I had only ever had regular before. But these are great, especially with a slice of mozarella cheese on top.

The second thing is this really yummy chocolate ice cream. I thought it was called chocolate silk, Breyers brand, but I can't find it anywhere. But it opened my eyes up to chocolate ice cream--I'm usually a vanilla gal.

The last one is the reason for this post. I bought this today and keep thinking of her. I only buy it like once a year because I have a tendency to devour the bag. It is SO good. Have you ever had it?

A nice change from the regular mountain trail mix.

Thanks to Tamaron I have these in my life. Just thought I'd pay it forward.


Carly said...

hahahaha i miss tutt butt.

Cory & Tamaron said...

oh MY!!!!!! Linds- I was happily laughing the entire time I read all this. Glad I could help out with your tastebud addictions..?! :) ha. I, too have to avoid the indulgent trail mix bc it never lasts long. you are too cute, lttle mama! I thought of you last week, bc one of my students said- LITERALLY- "you're going to be such a good mom one day."...we coined that phrase. and look! it came true for YOU!!!! love ya girl