Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"Blossoms popping right before my eyes..."

There's this beautiful tree in our front yard that I just love, but mostly in the spring.

This was during the sunrise this morning.

This bright yellow bush is outside our bedroom window, bordering ours and our neighbors' house.

And of course the wonderful dandelions and clover that have sprung up ALL over our yard. I'm pretty sure that if we got some weed killer stuff, we wouldn't have a yard left.
I just love the spring.


Ben, Charlotte, Troy, and Liam said...

Can you spread the spring? I woke up to SNOW this morning. Ha, but I love your pictures!! I need a camera that makes everything look so professional. And your camera skills too probably.. :) Thanks for your advice on the strollers!

Elise said...

Your photos are so beautiful! Way to go!