Thursday, January 29, 2009

Check List

Let Kenny sleep in a little later than usual and make him a delicious brown-bagged lunch...check

Pick up my reading of breaking dawn, and don't put the book down even to eat breakfast...check (I'm almost done with it thankfully)

Notice that my face is even rounder today and my chin grosser than yesterday, if possible...check

Get Ty ready for the day and sneak in a movie for him so I can continue reading...check

Go to the library for another "toddler time" and get a few more books...check

Say heck no to PB & J for today, and treat myself and Tyler to a yummy lunch at Chick-fil-a!!...check (I have been craving fatty, greasy food for days now and I gave in, thus contributing even more to my already-too-big-cheeks and chin. Oh well, it filled me up, and nothing really fills me up these days as much as I hate to admit that.)

Come to my parents house even though no one is home and let Ty nap here so I can use the internet. Yes, I am a loser....check

Go to the park with Tyler and enjoy this cool, even chilly, weather...scheduled for after his nap

Have the bishopric over at our house to get to know us better...scheduled for 6:30

Attend my baby shower and feel awkward that so many people who don't know me are buying me gifts, but be so grateful at the same time...scheduled for 7:30

Go into labor...scheduled for anytime after 8:30!


Caitlin said...

oh i hope she comes soon! and i hope you have fun at your baby shower!

Wii are the Nelsons said...

those last ones get more exciting...can't wait to see pics!