Saturday, February 7, 2009

I can smell the sunscreen

Why is it that Tyler naps during the most beautiful time of day? I get so anxious for him to wake up so I can take him to the park or just go outside next to our building and kick his soccer ball around (something we've been doing a lot of lately). It's hard, on days like today, to not just go jump in the pool. It's still a bit too cold for that. Meaning, it's only about 75 degrees today, and you better believe I turned the AC on. First time since we've been here, but I'm sick of sweating. I told Kenny he can talk to me about saving money on our power bill when he's 9 months pregnant. But oh! To walk by the pool every day that's here in our complex, it makes me crave summers so bad and takes me back to my years growing up here in Houston when we pretty much lived at the pool. Tyler loves the pool, too. We go on walks, per his request, just for the sole purpose of seeing the "wata". He lays down very carefully next to the pool and splashes his hand in the water, just to feel it; poor kid can't help himself.

I've been doing A LOT of walking lately to get this baby here. I randomly run up and down the stairs, too. Anything I can think of really. Still no baby. I think the only thing it's doing is hurting me, ha. But she still has until 5:30 Monday morning until I go in to be induced. I haven't lost all hope in her. Come on baby, you can do it. I'm so excited for my sister, Steph to come. She gets here on Monday, which is great timing!

For those of you curious about my sweet camera, check it out here. I know, it's way too fancy for me. He did get a good deal on it though. Now I've really gotta figure out photoshop and everything to make it all worth it. I love it though, and I can't wait till it comes in the mail.


Wii are the Nelsons said...

sweet camera! my friend says that eating thanksgiving dinner helped me go into maybe something similar...

Elise said...

Were you induced with Ty? I'm just wondering why you want to be induced on your due date. I thought they usually don't do that till 41 weeks?

Carly said...

that camera looks so great linds!! fun fun fun, i would love to share some photoshop tricks and any links if you're interested. don't want to give unsolicited info but seriously i love talking about this stuff! :)

and were you induced with ty? good q elise... haha being induced was the biggest mistake of my pregnancy :P never never again. urgh.

Carly said...

DO YOU HAVE A BABY?!?!?!?!!!!