Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Brynlee's 1st Birthday!!!

Dearest Brynlee,

I can't believe that a whole year has passed since you joined our family and blessed our lives with your sweet spirit and beautiful smile. Not a day goes by that I don't thank Heavenly Father for the gift of being your mother. You bring me so much joy. I'm sorry that you were feeling so miserable on your birthday! Being sick is no fun. And we'll always remember it because you have a big red spot under your nose, from being wiped constantly. Sorry.
I look forward to forever with you as my daughter. I love you tons!


Your morning bath. We've been doing 2 baths a day since you got sick. It seems to be one of the few times in the day you're really happy :).

I took a ton of pics of you playing with your birthday balloons. You popped two of them doing this very thing. Laying and chewing on them at the same time. But you didn't cry once, you were just so confused by where the balloon had dissappeared to, you didn't even fuss about the loud popping sound.

Look how big you are playing with your balloons standing up, without holding onto anything!

I made your cake this year as a giant cupcake!

These are your birthday flowers. I want to start a tradition of giving you flowers every year on your birthday. These are cute little Azaleas.

It was cute to watch you just pick at it at first. It was like you were expecting us to realize our mistake and take it off your tray :).

After a bit you just really enjoyed making a mess of it (like with all your food) and you hardly ate any at all! I think 2 of your 3 bites I put in your mouth. But you really haven't had much of an appetite since you got sick.

Thank goodness for big brothers. Tyler helped you open your gifts, blow out your candle, and he sang to you many many times throughout the day. He was so excited for your birthday, even if you had no idea what was going on.

One of your gifts was this beautiful little dress we picked up for you in Mexico. Your other gifts: a new Signing Time DVD, a book, and some hair clips.
Happy 1st Birthday Bryn!


Shalean said...

Happy Birthday Brynlee! You are getting so big! Love the cake Linds you did an awesome job!

Caitlin said...

happy birthday brynlee! the cake is BEAUTIFUL! i hope the kids are feeling better soon.

oh, to answer your question on my blog, i've been super tired but i only got sick TWICE! so that's been awesome!

Wii are the Nelsons said...

Happy Birthday Brynlee! What an awesome cake! Time sure flies.